

Welcome Back, It's Been Awhile

Its been 904 days since I last wrote a blog post.  


Somehow it feels just like yesterday, but then again it feels like a lifetime ago.

Perhaps this is because in those 902 days my life has taken so many twists and turns that I would have never expected.

I have moved from Halifax, NS back home to Vancouver, BC and then to the opposite side of the world.  I now live in the United Arab Emirates and I work for one of the major airlines out here.

Just a slight change in regards to my job, lifestyle, city, culture, environment, etc.  But...what to do.

When I moved to the Middle East I promised my family that I would keep up with regular blog posts since I would now be traveling the world and have a ton of interesting things to say.  Obviously that never happened, although I always send postcards home.  I was never any good at writing a diary, so I guess my postcards are as much for me as they are for my parents.  I know that many years from now I will be able to look back on them and relive all of the crazy/lazy/boring/fun/unexpected adventures I have had.

While adjusting my sleeping pattern tonight (oh the joys of leaving for Australia at midnight), I realized that since I started flying in October of 2015 I have operated 176 flights and logged approximately 955,000 km.

I would like to promise to update my blog more often, however if my track record is any indication, we might just end up with a random post every few years haha.

I won't add the 500,000+ photos that I have taken over my many layovers and holidays.  But I will add some of my very favourite memories so far.  These are in no way added in sequential order, partly because that would just take too much time; but mainly because I can't remember the dates any more.  

Finding Nemo at the Seattle Aquarium

One of my best friends out here in this crazy sand pit that we live in.
E always gets invited to way cooler parties than I do (but lets be serious, I don't get invited to any parties 🙈)

Went on holiday to the west coast of Ireland.  Decided that climbing a mountain on a cloudy/windy/rainy day was a good idea.
Where the fog meets the rocks is the edge of the mountain and a whopping 2, 507 feet below is where I left the car.

Clew Bay, County Mayo 

I kicked everyone out of the way so I could have this photo
Musee D'Orsay, Paris

Contemplating life in the south of France.
Nice is Nice.

Sunset while driving back from having lattes in Latte, Italy.

California, USA

I was trying so hard not to fall off 
Golden Gate Bridge, San Fransisco

Desert Safari with J
Dubai, UAE

The always beautiful Colosseum
Rome, Italy

Diving with sharks
Durban, South Africa

B always does an amazing job!
Kamloops, BC

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